If the partition table is badly damaged, and partitions can not be found by the function "Recover Lost Partitions", you can use this function to scan the disk directly. CuteRecovery scans the whole disk, restores file directory as much as possible and classifies files by partition. This function applies to the situation that partitions can not be recovered directly and files can not be recovered from partition directly.
To start recovering files from the whole disk, please click "Recover Files From Disk" on the main interface as below:
This function is split into three steps: Select Disk, Select Files to Recover and Save Recovered Files.
Please select the disk you want to recover files, and its information including capacity, model, and partitions will be displayed on the right panel.
If the selected disk is the one you want to recover files, then click the "Next" button. EassosRecovery will start searching files and enter next step - "Scan and select Files to recover".
During scanning, CuteRecovery displays all partitions and files it finds out and the way it displays files is similar to Windows Explore: file directory is on the left and file list is on the right. There is a check box before every file or folder. Check all files and folders you want to recover and click "Recover" to copy files. When you click a file, there'll be a preview thumbnail of the file on the lower right part. CuteRecovery supports previewing pictures, text files and Office documents, by which you can judge whether files can be successfully recovered.
You can filter files by setting the name pattern after scanning, file attribute, file size and midify time. Set your options and then click the "Filter" button.
CuteRecovery provides two ways to copy out the recovered files. One way of copying recovered files is to follow the wizard: Select files and folders you want to restore and click the "Recover" button.
Another way is the context menu. After checking the files and folders to be copied, right click the mouse button, a context menu will pop up. Then select "Copy to" and set a target folder to start copying. For more details, please refer to "Copy Files by Context Menu".
Then CuteRecovery will take you to the windows to select the target folder, shown as below:
Click the "Select Folder" button to start file copying. If you set the target folder to the disk which is recovering files, CuteRecovery will pop up the following warning message:
Please select another target folder. CuteRecovery is copying files.
File copying is completed:
When the copy is done the button "Stop" disappears and buttons "Complete" and "Report" show up. You can click the "Report" button to display File Copying Report , and then click "Save" to save the report to a text file.
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