DEBUG: ancient and the most common debugging tracking software, always bound in Microsoft's DOS/WIN9X operating systems. 19's command. Have executive assembly instructions, direct reading and writing absolutely sector and memory unit, and other functions, can be in the hard work under conditions. DOS6.22 the following system, DEBUG. EXE in DOS directory, WIN9X system it on WINDOWS \ COMMAND directory, it also appears in WIN9X generated emergency plate.
DISKEDIT: common hexadecimal editor software, character, interface, can with the file way and the sector way reading and writing logic content, can be written to absolute sector, easy to find editing partition table, FAT table, ROOT zone and other important sector. This is more convenient than DEBUG. But in some important sector of the damage, DISKEDIT may not start. DISKEDIT software can be in the famous NortonUtilities found in the package. The latest DISKEDIT appeared in NU4.
NDD: common FAT file structure disk repair tools, is the famous NORTON disk doctor, can automatic repair division lost and so on, can save a floppy disk data in bad area, forced to move to other after read empty sector. I hope that you don't want to use NORTONFORDOS7 or 8 NDD, this version because do not support a large area, long filename technology, FAT32, will bring you a lot of trouble. Suggest you use NortonUtilities4 or higher version NDD. EXE, this is pure DOS tools. The hard drive crash or abnormal situation, he may be able to bring the user to hope. The doctors call WIN9X disk is not the program, and is NDD32.EXE.
FDISK: FDISK of course is a dangerous commands, a lot of people very fear, in fact, does not affect the operation command FDISK any region in hard disk data, he set to division of the operation, the only change the Lord partition table data section. And especially abnormal important implied FDISK MBR parameters /, can be rebuilt the Lord partition table code area, remove the Lord direct type virus, etc. This is very useful operation. DOS6.22 the following system, FDISK. EXE in DOS directory, WIN9X system it on WINDOWS \ COMMAND directory, it also appears in WIN9X generated emergency plate.
FORMAT: in the eyes of some, FORMAT is the most terrible command, but he is not cleared the hard disk drive, particular attention is, many file recovery tools are suggest you restore FORMAT before the division protect hungry role. DOS6.22 the following system, FORMAT. COM in DOS directory, WIN9X system it on WINDOWS \ COMMAND directory, it also appears in WIN9X generated emergency plate.
HD-COPY: traditional floppy COPY tools, version 2.0 of forced read and then add function, can read some damage to the content of the sector.
SYS: SYS command is to restore the BOOT of the most concise means, also can kill in addition to BOOT area virus. DOS6.22 the following system, sys. COM in DOS directory, WIN9X system it on WINDOWS \ COMMAND directory, it also appears in WIN9X generated emergency plate.
Much to our regret, the so far I have not found a great sector level backup MIRROR tools, I had written a HD-MIRROR, but more by mistake, I download the next day, stop the release, and the author of the fixc noz wrote a clone. Exe, but unfortunately only suitable for the same hard disk. I also thought GHOST can do that, in fact, you are not going to count on him for you backup a depth of broken hard disk. If there is a valid to press sector mechanism (but not the file system) compression backup a piece of hard disk will make it a mirror file of words, so our recovery work have more guarantees and room. We can do more bold attempt to restore the data.
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